Why Use Symfony PHP Framework for Application Development in 2018?

Virtueinfo Virtueinfo
October 29, 2018

Whenever we suggest Symfony Framework for application development to our clients, they often ask the reason behind it. Well, the clients are more familiar with the popular programming languages such as PHP or JavaScript.

A framework is not absolutely necessary: it is “just” one of the tools that is available to help you develop better and faster!

Better, because a framework provides you with the certainty that you are developing an application that is in full compliance with the business rules, that is structured, and that is both maintainable and upgradable.

Faster, because it allows developers to save time by re-using generic modules in order to focus on other areas. Without, however, ever being tied to the framework itself.

In this article, you will learn everything about Symfony Framework and the advantages of Symfony Framework application development in 2018.

Symfony Development

What is Symfony Framework Application Development?

Many development companies around the globe prefer Symfony Framework as it is the ideal development tool in 2018 today. The Symfony is a framework that offers the structure for every code written by the Symfony Framework developers.

In simple words, Symfony is based on the PHP framework which simplifies website or application building by abstracting or eliminating the common repetitive tasks.

PHP is the most popular programming language in the world and responsible for the Symfony framework. It works for PHP framework in the same manner as Ruby works for Rails and Python works for Django.

In Other words we would like to say that Symfony is a leading PHP framework to create websites and web applications that is built on top of the Symfony Components.

Symfony Components are like set of decoupled and reusable components on which the best PHP applications are built, such as Drupal, phpBB, and eZ Publish.

Symfony Community is passionate group of over 600,000 developers from more than 120 countries, all committed to helping PHP surpass the impossible.

Six good reasons to use Symfony:
  • Reputation
  • Permanence
  • References
  • Innovation
  • Resources
  • Interoperability

“Investing in the task, not in the technology”

Here are some pros and cons of Symfony application development to get a better idea about the framework and why Symfony development firms are often in demand in 2018.

PROS OF Symfony – Why opt for Symfony Web Application Development?
  • Experienced PHP developers are easier to find.
  • PHP 7 is faster than Ruby.
  • It’s easier to involve new developers in PHP + Symfony projects.
  • Symfony requires fewer server-side resources.
  • Symfony has better quality control, and offers LTS releases.
Final Considerations

Symfony is a stable and capable framework for long-term projects.
Symfony offers professional – and thorough – training and certification options.
Symfony has a components system, so you can use just one component in a project, you don’t have to use the entire framework.

The biggest reason to work with Virtueinfo is that we are working with symfony from 1.0 to latest version and we have successfully delivered some big projects using Symfony framework.

Virtueinfo is a leading web application and mobile application development company providing full stack services since 2004.We are also expert in building PHP, Ruby on Rails, Python, Node Js, IONIC, ReactJs, Android and Iphone Applications.

Contact us with your requirements now on sales@virtueinfo.com

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