Why Angular is the most Popular Framework For Developing Applications

Virtueinfo Virtueinfo
May 28, 2019

There is always a confusion about which framework to use for developing web and mobile applications. But the choice becomes easy when people get to know about a framework that is built and maintained by Google itself. Yes Angular framework is designed by Google and this big brand name association has made the framework popular right from its launch.

But we have seen in the past that popular brands can only give a kick start to their products but after that success comes when the product delivers exactly what it promised. Angular is an open source framework that has been widely popular since the beginning because of its ability of integrating HTML codes and application modules.

Main Benefits of Using Angular Framework for Web and Mobile Applications are as below:
Advanced MVC Architecture

The common workflow of a MVC framework is that the developers works separately on the model, views and controllers and then they have to write to code to combine all the three modules together. This requires transparency between the development team and also it takes time to combine them. But in Angular framework the model, views and controllers are combined automatically without writing an extra code. The main benefit of this is that applications are developed much faster in Angular compared to other frameworks.

Easy to Build Single Page Applications

Angular framework has become the first choice to develop single page applications as it has a set of ready to use modules to simplify development. There is no need to reload the whole page while making changes in a particular section in a SPA as Angular allows to pre-load and cache all the pages. In addition to that Angular developers can work on the SPA even when the Internet connection is down as the pages are already loaded.

Unit Testing Functionality

Angular code is unit testable that means that it makes testing of applications very easy. Unit testing is an inbuilt Angular feature that uses dependency injection feature to test the applications separately. As Angular has the functionality of dividing components and individual pieces in isolation it becomes relatively easy to test Angular code.

Creation of Reusable Components

Angular comes with in-built directives than helps it to create reusable components. A directive is an expansion of HTML language that allows developers to generate new behaviours. So instead of creating similar views again and again this directives allows to create components that can be composed into bigger components.

Ability to Build Applications Faster

As Angular is derived from HTML and this makes developing new apps very easy and less time consuming. Apart from that Angular comes with detailed documentation and even a beginner can get started with developing applications using Angular in no time. Moreover Angular already contains all the required modules to create a web application and there is no need to use any third party tools or resources. This helps the businesses in delivering the applications on time to their clients.

Large Community of Talented Developers

As Angular is maintained by Google, it has a community of thousands of developers that are available to help new developers in case of creating any complex functionality. Also there is a high possibility that some of the functionalities are already developed by expert Angular developers and new developers can get quick solutions by just asking from help from the community.

Reputed Companies using Angular

The fact that many of the huge businesses use Angular for its applications proves how reliable and robust this framework is. The largest video streaming site Netflix has made developed using Angular. Another example is Freelancer – which is an online workplace to find work and projects uses this framework. PayPal is another big name that is developed using Angular. There are many other big names like Guardian, Lego, Upwork and many more.

To Conclude

Angular has become the first choice for front end development. All the industries that includes finance, ecommerce, healthcare, social networking and many more uses Angular in order to develop applications for their respective businesses.

Virtueinfo has more than 6 years of experience in providing Angular development services. We have a team of dedicated Angular developers that have developed applications for small as well as large scale businesses. Some of the websites developed by us using Angular are Heltha, Nettiaika, Relaxi and many more. Visit our portfolio page for more information or you can directly mail us your requirements at sales@virtueinfo.com.

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ThinkStart Private Limited

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