Now a days everyone know about Tencent who successfully operates WeChat. Since earlier stage WeChat started with a basic smart messaging app. WeChat added Mini Program to their app in 2017 and it becomes a full ecosystem having more than 100 million monthly users. Let’s talk a look into Mini Program.
What Is a Mini Program?
Now a days you can consider a small native APP which runs into WeChat. Generally it’s useful to make small applications. Earlier it’s very limited but now a days Tencent opened with more powerful APIs for developers and stable JavaScript development method which is fully supported with WeChat
If you are looking to expand your market/business quickly specially in China, WeChat Mini Programs is the way you can do it. There are more then million Mini Programs available with various categories and approx. 2 billion daily users are using it. It provides a wide range of services and easily synchronize with WeChat users.
Based on survey with number of users, more than 70% had used WeChat Mini Program and more than 30% users are frequent users.
Most trending mini programs by category are Mini Games, Lifestyle Mini Apps, and Blog and e-commerce Mini Program. Even companies like Google, Alibaba has its own version of Mini Program which provides various services.

How to find Mini Program?
As Mini Program made for WeChat only it’s not available public market. Open WeChat and just search for particular Mini Program, you can easily get it. By scan a QR code it’s open in WeChat easily.
Advantages of Mini Program
– Very light in size.
– Easily access from anytime, anywhere.
– No download need to your phone, it’ll be within WeChat only.
– If no required, you can easily delete it from WeChat.
Below are some most popular Mini Program which is available in WeChat (actually result of popularity may be different however we kept with various checks in terms of popularity, size, performance and many other factor)
1. Hangzhou Plus – HZPlus
2. McDonald’s Discount Coupons – 麦当劳优惠券
3. Tencent Surveys – 腾讯投票
4. 同程艺龙酒店机票火车 (Trip)
5. 京东购物 – JD (Game)
6. Mobike – 摩拜单车
7. 欢乐斗地主 (Game)
8. Sleepy Sounds – 小睡眠
9. 跳一跳 (Game)
10. 海盗来了 (Game)
Virtueinfo provides complete solution for WeChat Mini Program, if you want to develop WeChat Mini Program and want boost your business within China and Europe, Feel free to Contact us with your requirement. Don’t worry if you don’t have full requirement, if you have just idea you can also tell us, being a WeChat Mini Program Development Company we’d love to help you and grow your business.
You can email us at or click here to contact us via our website
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